Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mommies have play dates too!

It sure is tough getting three reserve flight attendants together in one place at the same time. It takes getting all of us to have a common day off that none of us have plans on.... whew. It took about 6 months for us to actually pull it off and we met at the Cacallic Cafe. The food was fantastic but the "Tomato Juice" we all ordered was even better! Mine came with bacon infused Vodka and a piece of bacon in it too!

Deja and Melissa were roommates in training and Deja was one of my crashpad roommates when I was flying out of Seattle. I had a strange connection with Melissa that started with her sisters, boyfriends, dad was on my flight {did you follow that} and asked if I knew Melissa and although he had not met her in person he thought I looked like her. {how sweet of him} I ended up having about four more interactions with other people that were connected to Melissa including having her sister on my flight who recognized me. It was great to finally meet Melissa in person and to catch up with Deja although I got some worisome news from Deja. She has a growth behind her ear that has effected her hearing. Her surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. Keeping her in my prayers.

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