Friday, August 12, 2011

The Paulina Plunge

We decided to take the Plunge, The Paulina Plunge that is. Its a bike mostly downhill 6 mile mountain bike ride stopping at three waterfalls where we were able to jump in or ride down the rocks like a slide. 
This is the first waterfall we stopped at
It was beautiful but there were LOTS of misqueots and we were eaten alive!

A small hike away from the first waterfall was this one where we had the opportunity to take the Plunge!
We all jumped in!
wet and a little cold from the 58 degree water
Hopping back on the bikes again and enjoying the beautiful view on the way to the next waterfall.

Sarah didn't think she wanted to do this but one of our guide talked her into it and she ended up loving it!
Sarah C. took Emily under her wing and road down with her several times. Emily LOVED it and eventually went down on her own.

Then our guides Michael and Jordan also know as Michael Jordan decided to go together

Emily & Sarah with their fire tree markings

Our guide Michael gave Emily a lift up on the trail back up

We had such a beautiful view on the ride

All the kids with our fantastic guide Michael
He was so good with my Sarah who fell 3 times on the ride.

Our whole group with the guides after the trip 

Debbie's Sarah with the two guides who were "hot" in her eyes

We had a fantastic trip!

1 comment:

Tara Edwards said...

Ummmm..... You sort of lost me after the picture of the abs. What was this post about again?