Monday, August 1, 2011

Black Butte with the Cravens

Jill invited us to join them at Black Butte for the weekend and Terry was on call so the kids and I went.
On one of the days we went for a bike ride to this natural spring where the water bubbles up and the kids got down and drank out of it.

This is all the kid plus the turtle who we took along with us 
{I also used this as my bench Monday shot}

The view of Mt. Washington on the ride

I saw this huge dandilion and took some photos

I also took some landscape photos as I going the flickr group Get Pushed and my push was wide angle black and white landscape photo. Black Butte seemed to be a fantastic place to take it.

 same view in color
 We went in to Sisters to have dinner and after we walked to Snow Caps for ice-cream and along the way the kids were put in jail and I HAD to take a photo.
Emily decided that she was going to have a banana split so I didn't order any and helped her eat it.

another beautiful view along the ride

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