Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Snapshop

Outside my window... I am in Sacramento and the sky is blue and the sun is out

I am thinking... that I NEED to finish my little brothers wedding photos

I am thankful for... the 19 hour layover to get rested for the next two days of flying. 

From the kitchen... nothing, I am not at home.

I am wearing... Grey long sleeve shirt and my sheepy time pj bottoms

I am creating... working on NEW wedding photos. This time for my brother Mickey and I need to get a move on them ASAP! STILL!

I am going... eventually San Francisco via Seattle.

I am reading... just finished The Hunger Games for book club but still have two book club books I haven't finished yet and would love to finish.

I am hoping... that we have a good flight tonight

One of my favorite things... my new 100 mm macro lens that I got for Christmas. I haven't even had a chance to play with it yet =(

A few plans for the rest of the week... Flying the next couple of days and then enjoying a few days off.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing.

my Bench Monday and Me Again Monday photo
Trying hard to get back in the the hang of taking photos more often.

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