Saturday, May 28, 2011

Roller Skating

The Jr. High at OLL got to go to Oaks Park and go roller skating and I drove a car full of 6th graders to the rink. Once we got there a few of the mom/drivers decided to put some skates on and join the fun. I was a little rusty at first but quickly got my "wheels" under me, I even showed a couple of kids how to skate and Ian even held my hand {twice} while skating.

I was doing so well that when they started playing a Michael Jackson song I started to "dance" while I was skating and ended up on the ground with a very hard thud. I had jeans on and managed to rip a few holes in the knee and skin my knee up pretty bad and tear a blood vessel in my wrist. My ego might have been bruised too. All in all it was a fun day. All the kids had a great time and my ego recovered, although it took my knee much longer.

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